Fine art landscape photography
Photographs from authors participating in the contest "Show us your best"
Prints supplied unframed and unmatted, and are shipped rolled in tubes. Photography size to from 30,5 x 30,5 cm (12" x 12")to 45,7 x 30,5cm (18" x 12")


Photography size: 70 x 50 cm (27,6" x 19,7") framed in black aluminium frame of size 100 x 70 cm (39,4" x27,6") with a passepartout, the frame have a glass sheet to cover the picture.


Prints supplied unframed and unmatted, and are shipped rolled in tubes. Photography size to from 30,5 x 30,5 cm (12" x 12")to 45,7 x 30,5cm (18" x 12")


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